How I Transformed My Body with Chalean Extreme!

My Motivation

I’d worked out off and on for years, but always went through cyclical periods of exercise – start then stop, start then stop. Last year, I’d finally reached a point where I was the heaviest I’d ever been at 5’4” and 170 lbs. All my clothes were too tight and I’d get frustrated getting ready for work trying to find pants that fit. I got fed up and decided enough was enough!

How I Did It

I pulled out my home fitness DVDs, started working out 5 days a week and joined an online fitness chat board for accountability. I also promised myself that I would eat a clean and healthy diet. I did my research and learned that I needed a lot of protein to feed the muscle I would be building; whole grain carbs to give me the energy to get through my workouts, and a balance of healthy fats, fiber, fruits and vegetables. I eliminated junk food and stopped eating the “white stuff” (sugar, breads, potatoes, rice and pastas). I switched to the whole grain versions instead. I found healthier ways to satisfy cravings (baked sweet potato fries, sugar free chocolate pudding, etc.) and allowed myself a cheat meal once or twice a month.

Once I incorporated clean eating, the fat started melting off! I felt much more energetic and healthy. The more I saw results, the more I wanted to challenge myself! So on February 8, 2010, I started Chalean Extreme, an advanced circuit training program by Beachbody. I did Turbo Jam on my cardio days. For 3 months, I worked out 6 days a week –3 days of strength training, 2 days of cardio and 1 day of interval training. I lifted as heavy as I could with proper form and did targeted ab/core work three times a week. I continued to eat clean for the entire 3 months, watching my calorie intake and creating a daily 500 calorie deficit.

After only 30 days into the program, my body started transforming before my eyes! I was losing 1-2 pounds a week, and could see incredible definition in my shoulders, back, biceps and triceps. My stomach was completely flat and I could see definition in my obliques. I was extremely motivated to keep going to see what my 90 day results would look like! I recorded my weight first thing every Sunday morning and took results pictures every 30 days. The strength training sessions were tough and I struggled through them at times, but I pushed through – I was on a mission! My favorite Chalean Extreme workouts were the weekly interval workouts (intervals of light weight/high reps and 1 minute cardio bursts). I loved the high energy cardio and the feeling of totally burning out my muscles with 5 lb weights!

I finished the Chalean Extreme program on May 1, 2010. The program was tough, but the results and changes in my body kept me motivated to see the program through to completion. My results? 32 lbs lost, went from a size 12 to a size 4, and lost a total of 11.5 inches. On May 1st, I rewarded myself by getting certified to teach TurboKick! I also had to buy a whole new wardrobe. 🙂 At 41 years old, I can honestly say I’m in the BEST shape of my life!

Why I became a Beachbody Coach

My family and friends and online accountability buddies noticed all the progress I was making and started asking me what I was doing to lose weight and get in shape. I found myself sharing my story over and over, telling them how to eat clean and to try Chalean Extreme and TurboJam. One day I realized that I was already being a coach by sharing my story and helping people eat better and get fit, so why not officially become a coach and turn my passion for fitness into a business?

I signed up to be a Beachbody Coach on March 14, 2010 and have loved every minute of it! I’m supplementing my income, it’s fun, I’m meeting great people, and I get the opportunity to educate, motivate and inspire people to live a healthier lifestyle – and that’s the biggest payoff! Beachbody, Chalean Extreme and TurboJam have totally changed my life!


If you have any questions about Chalean Extreme, fitness or nutrition, or becoming a Beachbody Coach, please feel free to email me. I’m happy to share!

Coach MaShelle
Diamond Team Beachbody Coach

Written by Miko
Hello, gorgeous! My mantra is write my own story and design a life I love. My blog is the place to come for fitness and beauty inspiration. Visit my Amazon store for my fave fashion & beauty products that help me look and feel my innately fabulous best self.